
专项全练全测 - 语 音

一、1.A C D F H J

2.B E G I

二、1.Y 字母i在rabbit和animal中的发音都是/ɪ/。

2.Y 画线字母o在photo和zero中的发音都是/əʊ/。

3.N 字母o在season中的发音是/ə/,在son中的发音是/ʌ/。

4.Y 画线字母a在China和away中的发音都是/ə/。

5.N 字母a在about中的发音是/ə/,在bad中的发音是/æ/。

6.Y 字母e在basket和begin中的发音都是/ɪ/。

7.N 字母o在also中的发音是/əʊ/,在hot中的发音是/ɒ/。

8.Y 画线字母a在panda和about中的发音都是/ə/。

9.N 字母组合er在water中的发音是/ə/,在her中的发音是/ɜː/。

10.Y 字母e在open和parent中的发音都是/ə/。

三、(仅供参考)1.summer under

2.cinema panda

3.away alike

4.listen often

5.person season

6.jacket rocket

7.rabbit little

8.before become

9.mango tomato

10.under dinner

四、1.or 2.er 3.e 4.o 5.a 6.o 7.a 8.a 9.e 10.er

五、1.away 字母组合ay在may和away中的发音均是/eɪ/。

2.rapid 字母i在animal和rapid中的发音均是/ɪ/。

3.actor 字母组合or在doctor和actor中的发音均是/ə/。

4.before 画线字母e在begin和before中的发音均是/ɪ/。

5.Englishman 字母a在woman和Englishman中的发音均是/ə/。

6.computer 字母组合er在weather和computer中的发音均是/ə/。

7.reason 字母o在season和reason中的发音均是/ə/。

8.science 画线字母e在open和science中的发音均是/e/。

9.red 画线字母e在seven和red中的发音均是/e/。

10.photo 画线字母o在also和photo中的发音均是/əʊ/。

六、(仅供参考)1.welcome 2.about 3.library 4.tomato

七、1.'blackboard 2.be'hind 3.in'ventor 4.'wonderful  5.to'morrow 6.a'way

八、1.—'How are you 'going there,on'foot or by'bus?

—I'll 'go there by'bus.

2.'When it is 'summerin 'China,it is 'winter inAus'tralia.

3.—Will you 'visit the 'Summer'Palace or the GreatWall?

—I'll visit the GreatWall.

4.—'When will you leave for 'Hainan'tomorrow?

—I'll 'leave for 'Hainan at '8:00 'a.m.'tomorrow.

5.—Is 'summer your 'favourite'season?


九、1.Are you going to wear the blue boots ∣to school,∣Mary?

2.Do you know∣if Joan is going boating ∣on the fourth of November?

3.I'll invite Mike∣and write a letter to his wife next Friday.

4.We will leave on April 13th ∣and come back on April 19th.

5.Mr and Mrs White∣are going to Beijing by plane∣to meet their friend Kate next week.


十一、1.Does the boy in the blac(k) T­shirt have a ba(d) cold?

2.I'll mee(t) them a(t) the gate at eigh(t) twenty tomorrow.

3.They sai(d) they woul(d) play there from eigh(t) to eleven.

4.Don'(t) jump too high.Be careful!

5.I go(t) lost on my way to the zoo one Sunday morning.

6.I know a shor(t) cu(t) to the post office.Do you wan(t) to go with me?

7.Can you tell me how to ge(t) to the bank?Do I nee(d) to ge(t) there by bus?
