
Module 5 Safety - Unit 10 (3)

一、1.cross,crossing cross the street意为“穿过街道”,safety crossing意为“安全路口”。

2.safe 红灯亮时过马路是不安全的,“安全的”用safe表示。

3.safety other safety rules意为“其他安全规则”。

二、1.B 表示“禁止”用mustn't。

2.(仅供参考)I'll just give him one banana.

3.Can't you read the sign?

三、1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.F 6.E


Don't run on the stairs.

Don't sleep in class.

Don't talk in the library.

Do tell the teacher if you see a classmate in trouble.

Don't leave the school during school hours without asking your teacher.

Don't be late for school.
