
Module 6 Let's look back - 第1课时

一、1.A F J K 2.B D G I 3.C E H L

二、1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A

三、1.A 在本句中,watch应与动词原形搭配使用。

2.A “the home of...”意为“......的故乡”。

3.Where do 就地点提问疑问词用where;此疑问句的谓语是实义动词,主语是you,时态是一般现在时,要用助动词do帮助构成疑问句。

4.Will 题中所给句子是含有情态动词will的陈述句,变一般疑问句时,要把will 放在句首并大写首字母。

5.Come and see the world's highest waterfall.

四、1.F 由“Long long ago,there was a boy.He looked after the sheep on the hill.”可知。

2.T 由“One day,the boy was bored.”可知。

3.T 由“The farmers ran to the hill.”“The farmers ran to the hill to help him.”可知。

4.T 由“The farmers were very angry.They said,‘Don't tell lies.’”可知。

5.F 由“The wolf ate the sheep.”可知。
