Spring Festival

责任编辑:小丽 发表时间:2014年05月27日 14:56 浏览次数:2924

In China Spring Festival is the most important festival. It comes on the first day of the first lunar month(阴历月).

Before Spring Festival comes, people go out to buy things, such as meat, chicken, fish, fruit, sweets and new clothes. They clean their houses and decorate them. The Chinese character fu is a must. It is usually stuck(贴) upside down, which means “fu comes”.

The celebrations (庆祝) begin on the eve of the lunar New Year. The family get together for a big dinner. If a person is far from home, he will always try to get home for this big dinner. After the dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting (聊天) and watching TV.

During the holidays (节日), they go to visit relatives and friends and exchange New Year greetings. They sit around talking and eating candies, cakes and all kinds of delicious food. Every family prepares something special. Each child will get money as a New Year gift. People in the north of China often eat dumplings for breakfast. People in the south often eat niangao because niangao means “higher and higher one year after another”.

The celebrations last (持续) 15 days. It will come to an end when Lantern Festival finishes.


1. In China Spring Festival is on the first day of January.()

2. People usually buy many things before Spring Festival in China.()

3. Usually, the celebrations are from the eve of the lunar New Year to Lantern Festival.()

4. The whole family usually sit together, chatting and watching TV after the big dinner.()

5. People in the north often eat niangao.()


1.F  在中国,春节是阴历的正月初一,the first day of January是元旦,不是春节。

2.T  由第二段的第一句可知。

3.T  通读全文可知,在中国,整个春节的庆祝活动,从春节的前夜开始一直持续到元宵节结束。

4.T  由第三段的最后一句可知。

5.F  由第四段的倒数第一、二句可知,过春节的时候,北方人常吃饺子,南方人常吃年糕。

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