American Social Customs

责任编辑:起点 发表时间:2014年06月30日 09:39 浏览次数:2746

Wang Lin, a Chinese student in America, was invited to a dinner party. He was a little worried because he knew little about American social(社会的)customs. So he wrote a letter to Rose, a magazine editor(编辑), to ask for help. Rose wrote back to Wang Lin and told him what to do. Here is the letter.

Dear Wang Lin,

It is a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, but you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friend drinks it.

You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Do not get there early. If you are more than fifteen minutes late, you should tell them first. Try to be free at the dinner table. If you do not know how to use the fork and knife, just watch the other people and follow them. If you still have no idea what to do, just ask the person beside you.

If you like the food, of course, you should thank them for the meal and their kindness. It is also a good idea to send a thank-you card the next day.

Best wishes.



1. American friends invited Wang Lin to a birthday party. (    )

2. He felt worried so he wrote to Rose ask for help. (    )

3. When you go to a party in the US, it is better to arrive five minutes earlier. (    )

4. We should watch the other people and learn from them if we do not know how to use the fork and knife. (    )

5. After you have dinner, you should thank the host or the hostess in a polite way. (    )


1.F   由第一段第一句可知,王琳是被邀请参加宴会,而不是生日聚会,故该句是错误的。

2.T   由第一段第二句和第三句可知,王琳感到有点担心,所以才给罗丝写信求助,故该句是正确的。

3.F   由回信的第二段第一句可知,在美国参加聚会时,晚到五至十分钟是比较好的,而不是早到五分钟,所以该句是错误的。

4.T   由回信的第二段可知,如果不会使用刀叉,看着其他的人并跟着他们学,所以该句是正确的。

5.T   由回信的最后可知餐后感谢主人是一种有礼貌的行为,故该句是正确的。

亲,发现文中的错误不要不好意思告诉我们,纠错成功,你将获得50~200个金星币的奖励哦~ 我要纠错


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