The Foolish Cyclist

责任编辑:Winnie 发表时间:2013年09月04日 15:44 浏览次数:3523

1. 0ne morning Mr. Yang drove his car to the office .He hit a cyclist .The cyclist came out of a narrow street. He did not stop at the comer. He did not look left or right. Mr. Yang 's car hit the bicycle and the cyclist fell off. Mr. Yang stopped his car and got out. He picked the cyclist up.

2. “Are you all right?”-he asked

  “ My arm hurts. ”the cyclist said. “I can only lift it up to my shoulder. ”

  “How high could you lift it yesterday? ” Mr. Yang asked.

  “I could lift it above my head. ”the cyclist said.

  “Show me, “Mr. Yang said. And the cyclist lifted his arm above his head.


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