
Module 7 Let's look back - 第2课时

一、(仅供参考)1.supermarket zoo hospital bookshop park 2.bus car train station bike plane

二、1.B train(火车)和underground(地铁)都是交通工具类单词。

2.A zoo(动物园)和park(公园)都是地点类单词。

3.C restaurant(餐馆)和bookshop(书店)都是地点类单词。

4.C cold(寒冷的)和hot(炎热的)都是形容词。

5.A shop(商店)和bank(银行)都是地点类单词。

三、1.What 就物品提问疑问词用what,句首单词首字母大写。

2.When 在此题中,就时间提问疑问词用when,句首单词首字母大写。

3.I am going to Harbin by train.

4.Don't cross the road when the light is red.

四、2 3 1 5 4


Dear Jim,

I am planning an exciting trip to Harbin and I'd love you to go with me.We will go there by train.It's very,very cold in Harbin now.We will visit the world-­famous Harbin Ice Festival.Then we will go skiing.I think you will enjoy Harbin's winter,because I know you love snow.


