Unit 1 What did you buy? -话题阅读拓展

A New Pair Of Shoes

08-03 15:25Winnie2485

Kitty: Mum, I want a new pair of shoes.     

Mum: A new pair of shoes? You have got three pairs.

Kitty: I know, but they are too small and old for me.

Mum: OK. That’s go to the supermarket. (They are in the supermarket) 

A shop assistant: What can I do for you? 

Mum: I want to buy a pair of shoes for my daughter. 

A shop assistant: This pair is very modern, and it is cheap, only seventy yuan. Mum: Cheap? I think it is too dear. Fifty yuan, OK?

A shop assistant: Mmm….OK. Which one?

Kitty: I want the pink pair. 

Mum: This pair looks just right. I want this pair of red shoes.

A shop assistant: Here you are. 



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